Helping teens cope with chronic pain

At our Golden Hearts Bequest Society event in October, our supporters heard from two families with lived experience of chronic pain, as well as Dr Nicki Ferencz, Service Lead for the Women’s and Children’s Health Network Paediatric Chronic Pain Service (PCPS).

The WCH Foundation supports the PCPS through funding for their Comfort Ability Program and Peer Education Program.

Dealing with chronic pain

In Australia, 1 in 5 young people are impacted by chronic pain, like Kate and Michaela.

Kate has had a constant headache for over three years.

She says, “It’s so much more than just the actual pain you’re experiencing. It has such a significant impact on mental health, sleep, relationships with friends and family, and obviously school attendance and keeping up with education. It affects every aspect of your life.”

Kate recalls that in one school report, it was recorded that she had just a 4% attendance rate.

“The amount of effort and energy required to complete a day of school with chronic pain was an impossible task.”

Michaela has been dealing with chronic abdominal pain for over ten years, experiencing constant cramps, nausea and pain. She estimates that she missed three or four years of her schooling.

She says, “It’s very, very difficult to explain to somebody what it’s like. When you say you have a tummy ache, they say, ‘Just take a Panadol, you’ll be right.’ Nobody understands.”

Dr Nicki Ferencz.

Dr Nicki Ferencz.

The Paediatric Chronic Pain Service

Dr Nicki Ferencz explains, “What we know about managing chronic pain is that it takes a team of individuals to help somebody recover. We need our wonderful doctors, psychologists and physiotherapists working together in a team approach.”

“When I talk to families, the number one piece of feedback that I receive is that healthcare works well when it is collaborative and coordinated.”

To support this amazing work of the PCPS, the WCH Foundation provides funding for two of their important initiatives – the Comfort Ability Program and the Peer Education Program.

The Peer Education Program is a series of educational video resources that assist with helping students to better manage chronic pain whilst at school, and are delivered by people who understand, like Kate and Michaela.

The Comfort Ability Program is a one-day workshop, run throughout the year to help young people and their parents manage chronic pain and build comfort skills. It focuses on strategies for improving function, sleep, school attendance and overall mental health and wellbeing.

Kate says, “For the longest time, I was trying to get rid of my pain. I was so desperate to find something that would give me relief. The biggest thing that happened when I did the Comfortability Program was that I had a complete mindset change. I realised that I shouldn’t be trying to find ways to get rid of my pain. I need to be trying to find ways to manage and live with my pain.”

Kate and her mum, Tracy.

Kate and her mum, Tracy.

A lasting impact

After thinking she wouldn’t be able to complete high school because of her pain, Kate is about to graduate.

She says, “Thanks to Nicki and the team, I will be making it through, which is a real achievement.”

“The PCPS has honestly been a lifesaver, and I don’t say that lightly.”

“I still have the same pain that I did three years ago, but we’ve found ways to modify my lifestyle. It honestly doesn’t really affect me anymore.”

Michaela finished year 12 with a fantastic result and is now studying to be a vet nurse.

She says, “I still deal with chronic pain, but it’s definitely nowhere near as bad. I can’t thank the team enough. It wouldn’t be like that if it wasn’t for them.”

Michaela and her mum, Michelle.

Michaela and her mum, Michelle.

Our community’s support

Funding these kinds of programs wouldn’t be possible without the support of our community, including our Golden Hearts Bequest Society – a group of kind-hearted supporters who have made the decision to leave a gift in their Will to the WCH Foundation.

To learn more about leaving a lasting legacy, contact our Gifts in Wills team on 08 8464 7900 or via email.

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