Play Therapy’s role in Maddie’s recovery
At two-years-old Maddie was diagnosed with Stage 4 Neuroblastoma. She has now spent more than 415 days at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital. Play Therapy played a crucial role in her recovery.
“It was gut wrenching and terrifying to be told your daughter has cancer,” Monique said. “I noticed her sleeping was restless and she had an extreme temperature. After several GP appointments, blood tests and scans, a massive tumour was found behind Maddie’s stomach. The cancer was already spreading to her hips and shoulders.”
The Hospital became Maddie’s home for the next two years, as she underwent months of chemotherapy to shrink the tumour to a ‘safer’ size where it could be operated on. An operation that would last eight hours removed 95% of the tumour. The remainder of the tumour required further aggressive chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
It was a situation that no child should go through.
Monique recalled, “One day a doctor pulled me aside and said to me, ‘What is happening is devastating, but Maddie’s world is you and play and you’re going to give that to her’. “I had to put away my fears and concerns, and act to Maddie like this is what you do at two-and-a-half years old! She had nothing to compare it to. Together with Chelsea, I tried to make being in hospital seem like it was ‘normal’. Play helped us do this and broke up the horrible feeling of being stuck in hospital. I don’t think Maddie ever felt like that. Through play she was always occupied and stimulated.”
Please support play in your Hospital
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Please, make a donation today and help to ensure we can continue to fund and expand these critical services, helping children like Maddie now and into the future.
Donations allow us to fund our Arts in Health program, which includes play, art, music and animal therapy to ease anxiety and improve mental health in young patients, as well as the creation of visual art exhibitions to continue to make the Hospital look and feel better for our young patients and families.
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