Remiko Prosser calls her Dad, Gary Graham, her ‘wingman’.

As many in our community know, Remiko is the amazing mother to 10-year-old Allira, who is just one of 700 people in the world diagnosed with a genetic condition called congenital disorder of glycosylation.

With Father’s Day just around the corner, we thought it would be the perfect opportunity to share the story of the man who has supported and helped shape Remiko into the wonderful woman and mum she is.


Gary and Remiko at her 18th Birthday celebrations.

“When Remiko asks me to an event she says, ‘can you be my wingman?’,” Gary explains.

“Remiko knows I like meeting people; I like having a chat with people. At the events we have attended for the Women’s & Children’s Hospital Foundation, Remiko often shares her and Allira’s story. When the video plays and family photos are shown, there’s not a dry eye in the house. I’m a sook, I’ll be crying too, and I’m not embarrassed about that.

“On the day Allira was born I was so proud of Allira and everyday since I have been in awe of the strength she has. Allira has been in and out of the Hospital so many times. Once Allira is in there, I am at the Hospital every day too. Allira gets much of the attention, but I think it’s so important to look after her Mum and that’s my main focus with Remiko, to provide her the support she needs.”

Remiko was all smiles growing up!

Gary is the father to four, with Remiko the eldest, followed by Jemma, Dion and Georgia.

“I was 30 when Remiko was born so I wasn’t really young, but what dawned on me quickly was the responsibility of starting a family and trying to be a good role model for your children,” Gary said.

“Growing up Remiko was a good kid, very sporty and athletic. I have been very lucky as my son and daughters have never caused any grief or problems. I am a youth worker at a detention centre and work with some troubled kids. I think the main issue is that they don’t have any role models. I have always tried to be a role model for my children and instil hardworking values.”

Gary, Allira and Remiko with family during their stay at the WCH Foundation Beach House.

Remiko said, “Dad has always had my back and is there whenever I need him, especially when I need a tip on the horses!”

“Times can be very tough when Allira is in the Hospital, but Dad is always there to keep me company and to help in anyway he can – coffee and cake tend to do the trick,” she said.

“I’m so lucky to have such a fun-loving Dad who always goes out of his way to check-in on me. His love and support is unconditional and I couldn’t imagine life without him in it.”

And Remiko’s favourite memory with her Dad…

“As a young adult I worked a short period at the Adelaide Casino as a cocktail waitress. Dad also worked there at the time as a Security Manager. One Saturday night a customer had too much to drink and was verbally abusive towards me, which ended in me crying by the blackjack tables. Little did this person know the girl he upset was the Security Manager’s daughter! Let’s just say his night ended really quick with a number of security personnel escorting him out the building!”

Nominate your Super Dad and share his story here to win him a Charlesworth Nuts gift basket.