In December 2024, we welcomed Verity Gobbett as the new CEO of the WCH Foundation as we farewelled Jane Scotcher, who now heads into retirement.

Verity has been instrumental in shaping the WCH Foundation in her position as Head of Mission, and is now poised to lead the organisation into an exciting new chapter driving even greater impact for women and children’s health in South Australia.

Verity has been a senior leader in the children’s health charity space for over ten years, and since joining the WCH Foundation in 2021 has completed a Masters of Business Administration.

She says, “Throughout my career, I have been passionate about improving the lives of children and families, first in the education and child development space, then through interactions with the child protection, disability and not-for-profit sectors.”

Verity has led the WCH Foundation’s program development and increased the level of impact, resulting in our largest year of financial contribution on record in 2024.

Personally, she also has a close connection with the Women’s and Children’s Hospital.

She says, “The Women’s and Children’s Hospital has a special place in my heart. My 95-year-old grandmother was a nurse trainee at the Hospital and describes her time working at the Hospital as her happiest days.”

“My husband, Daniel, and I have two boys, and the Women’s and Children’s Health Network has also been a large part of our parenting journey, particularly as my eldest son is hearing impaired.”

“The mission of the Foundation deeply resonates with me, and I am excited about continuing to contribute to its vital work.”

The WCH Foundation Board conducted a rigorous search process for the new CEO, attracting more than 80 candidates, and Verity was delighted to receive the call to say that she had won this new position.

She says, “It has been an incredible journey to get to this point, and I am deeply honoured to continue contributing to the organisation I have had the privilege of growing with for the past few years.”

“The role represents a unique opportunity to make a significant impact on the lives of children and families in the community of which I am a part of.”

“I am at a point in my career where I am prepared and energised to take on a leadership role of this magnitude, using the skills and knowledge I have accumulated under the leadership of our former CEO, and mentor, Jane Scotcher, to guide the Foundation toward even greater success.”

Looking forward, Verity is excited about planning for the future of the WCH Foundation.

She says, “My commitment to our mission remains unwavering: to drive impact, foster a culture of collaboration, and continue to lead with integrity. I am excited to work alongside an amazing leadership team, our talented employees, and our valued supporters to shape the next chapter of the WCH Foundation’s success.”

“As CEO, I plan on elevating our important role in the community both as the principal charity partner of the Women’s and Children’s Health Network, but also, as a philanthropic leader in South Australia partnering for healthier futures for women, children and families.”

“We are at a pivotal moment in our journey, and I truly believe that the best is yet to come.”

“I invite you to join us in chasing a healthier future with all our might.”