Supporter Survey prize Terms and Conditions

1. Prize and key details:
The Women’s & Children’s Hospital Foundation (WCH Foundation) Supporter Survey is being conducted by WOMEN’S & CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL FOUNDATION INC (ABN 99 682 331 968).
One (1) survey entry is permitted per person.
One (1) BIG W $250 gift card will be awarded,
2. Draw:
2.1 Time and location of draws:
a) To go in the draw to win, eligible participants are required to fill in and return (via mail or online submission) the 2025 annual Supporter Survey.
b) Winner will be selected at random.
c) Entries into the competition open Thursday 16 January 2025 and close at 11:59pm (South Australian time) on Friday 28 March 2025.
2.2 Draw details:
a) Winner will be drawn at 10am on Thursday 3 April 2025 at 55 King William Road, North Adelaide, SA 5006.
3. Winner notification and collection of prizes:
3.1 Notification:
a) Winner will be contacted via a telephone call or email from the WCH Foundation.
b) If a prize remains unclaimed for at least three months after it is drawn, the WCH Foundation will make additional attempts to contact that winner to ensure they are aware they have won a prize.
c) It is the responsibility of the prize winner to claim their prize.