WCH Foundation Laklinyeri Beach House Application Form
Step 1 of 3
Contact Details
Name of Person making the application:
Please provide FULL NAMES of each person (maximum 11) intending to stay and their relationship to the client/child:
DD slash MM slash YYYY
In either circumstance, please complete the Client/Child’s details below:
Please note that all bookings will be a maximum 6 nights / 7 days and will commence on a Friday and conclude the following Thursday. Should you be unable to utilise the whole week, your booking will still need to fall within the Friday to Thursday period. e.g. if you arrive on a Monday, your departure date will still be the Thursday following.
Medical Conditions and Disabilities (please list details of all known medical conditions or disabilities)
• I am applying to stay at the Women’s & Children’s Hospital Foundation Beach House.
• I have read and agree to adhere to the requirements as outlined in the attached Terms & Conditions.
• I hereby authorise the Women’s and Children’s Hospital to provide the WCHF information in respect to the child and child’s illness named above (medical history, consultation and treatment) as requested by WCHF. A photocopy of this authorisation is as effective and valid as the original.
• I have read and agree to adhere to the requirements as outlined in the attached Terms & Conditions.
• I hereby authorise the Women’s and Children’s Hospital to provide the WCHF information in respect to the child and child’s illness named above (medical history, consultation and treatment) as requested by WCHF. A photocopy of this authorisation is as effective and valid as the original.
DD slash MM slash YYYY
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.