Autumn Appeal
Three years ago, Monique and her husband Simon were told the news no parent ever wants to hear – their two-year-old daughter Maddie was diagnosed with a very complex childhood cancer.
Monique says, “It was terrifying. There were no signs that she was unwell until a few weeks leading up to the diagnosis.”
The Women’s and Children’s Hospital became her home for the next two years.
Maddie, then 3, in the early stages of her treatment at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital.
Maddie is just one of the many children we hear about daily. Right now, the Hospital is full of children – each with his or her own story.
These stories are all an important reminder of the role your Hospital plays when life suddenly takes an unexpected turn.
Maddie is just one of the many patients of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital – each with his or her own story. These stories are all an important reminder of the role your Hospital plays when life suddenly takes an unexpected turn.
Maddie weighing in at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital on her road to recovery.