Help find Dino a home

Dino was born in early 2018 during the great Dinosaur rEvolution at the South Australian Museum and is now getting ready to start school. Help his best friend, TK Bunny from the Women’s & Children’s Hospital Foundation find him a new home before the end of the school holidays!

Competition is closed! Winner to be announced February 8.

Enter our colouring-in competition for your chance to give Dino his forever home. Send us your finished masterpiece so it can be displayed on our dinosaur wall in the Women’s and Children’s Hospital! Completed forms can be dropped off to the WCH Foundation post box located next to the Information Booth, or given to any Play Therapists.

You can also share your creations with us on social media by snapping a photo of your little artist holding their Dino before filling out your details! Remember to tag us at @WCHFoundation and use the hashtag #DinoGiveaway!

Terms & Conditions:

  • By entering this competition, you are agreeing to give Dino his forever home. Dino’s actual size: 183cm tall, 270cm long, 100cm wide.
  • One entry per person.
  • No age restriction.
  • Entries to be sent to or WCH Foundation Colouring-In Competition: Locked Bag 5, Adelaide SA 5001.
  • Entries to be received by close of business 1 February 2019. Winner will be drawn on 8 February 2019 and will be notified via email.
  • Prize can be collected from WCH Foundation, 55 King William Road, North Adelaide. Delivery arranged via negotiation.
  • By entering this competition, you are agreeing to receive communications from both the Women’s & Children’s Hospital Foundation and the South Australian Museum. You can unsubscribe from these at any time. Organisation’s privacy policies available at either or

Proudly sponsored by the Women's & Children's Hospital Foundation, The Government of South Australia and the South Australian Museum


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